Featured Project: ISEE

ISEE logo on a pavement background
Brand Positioning
Verbal Expression
Visual Expression

The future of self-driving vehicles is closer than you think. ISEE is a tech innovator that makes autonomous driving solutions for chaotic and unpredictable environments where humans and machines often work side-by-side.

The way they train their vehicles sets them apart—instead of relying on data sets alone, ISEE AI learns the same way humans do, allowing their technology to adapt to dynamically changing conditions in real-time.

The ISEE logo, showcased on a concrete background
Commercial yard trucks powered by ISEE’s theory of mind AI

Incubated within MIT's The Engine, ISEE spent years developing the right combination of innovative artificial intelligence and scalable engineering to support a dynamic, reliable, and practical autonomous driving solution for the commercial shipping sector. After building one of the safest, most advanced, and reliable autonomous solutions to date, they looked to our team to help them announce their innovation to the world.

Video footage showing ISEE powered yard trucks autonomously navigating complex shipping yard obstacles with ease.

ISEE powered yard trucks, navigating complex shipping yard dynamics

Navigating the unpredictable

The commercial shipping yard is a relentless environment—a landscape constantly in flux. While efficiency is the name of the game, adaptability and safety are of paramount importance.

ISEE’s AI innovation leverages theory of mind: the ability to reason, understand what others are thinking, and predict how they will act. An ISEE powered fleet can interact naturally and safely in even the busiest of yards, while bringing the efficiencies of autonomy to the table. And implementation doesn’t require infrastructural changes—the technology can be applied to almost any existing fleet.

Excerpts from the ISEE brand positioning platform

Equal parts industry and tech

The identity program was inspired in equal parts by industry and technology. The ISEE logo blends future-forward aesthetic cues with the bold, confident visual vernacular of intermodal shipping. The letterforms reference an overhead view of the shipping yard, packed with rows of container trucks and tight winding pathways. A subtle horizontal through-line speaks to the clear line of sight afforded by the ISEE AI platform.

The ISEE logo, showcased on a concrete background
A set of four ISEE brochure covers, including the headline “flexible autonomous systems built for the real world.”
An ISEE powered vehicle, pulling a shipping container
The ISEE logo, in dimensional chrome
The ISEE logo,applied to the side of a shipping container
Members of the ISEE team, installing the system on a yard truck
A collage of images showcasing ISEE vehicles, team members, hard hats, safety vests, and a branded t-shirt

The color palette embraces electric yellow in a nod to high-visibility highway and industrial signage.

The broader design system—from typography (featuring Out of the Dark’s Protokoll) to layout standards, illustration, and photography—is refined yet supremely utilitarian. An intentional move away from the tropes of high-tech, the visual language blends a bit of engineering prowess with no-nonsense shipping yard grit.

A set of ISEE brochures, with their web address displayed: isee.ai
Sample spread from an ISEE brochure, with illustration and photography
Illustrations of an ISEE vehicle, and navigation pathways through a shipping yard
Custom illustration style
The ISEE logo applied to an large vinyl banner
A cover slide form an ISEE branded presentation, showcased on a tablet computer

Accelerating an autonomous future

The ISEE website launches their game-changing technology to the world—an articulation of how they’re not only impacting the logistics sector, but shaping the future of automation and self-driving vehicles.

Bringing the full expression of their brand to life, the site includes custom illustration, animation, and video crafted to tell their complex story as crisply and clearly as possible.

A series of images showcasing select screens from the ISEE website
The ISEE website
An animation, from the ISEE website, that explains how ISEE’s AI learns in dynamic situations
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One Design Company is a research-driven design and development studio. For over a decade, we’ve explored the intersection of experience and technology—where powerful brands come to life. Want to learn more? Let’s chat.

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